Saturday, 22 October 2016

The spooky season is upon us. Part III

Hey guys it's Kdot here again I would like to bring some news about Ben X through the use of black magic and other questionable means I have managed to recover the lost data for Ben X Slave Quest.


  1. Good (expecially for you that don't have to restart all from the beginning), now you have only to found the ones that bring bad luck and kick them out of your life

  2. Glad to hear it. I was a little worried about the future of such an awesome project after a hit like that. I suppose your suppose to have a backup for your backup lol.

  3. Heh, good to know that all your past work won't have been for nothing then.

  4. Just a question: Will be Albedo in game? If the answer is Yes, will be as Villain or Girl (via Magic ecc) or as skin for our Ben?

  5. Thank Bee Jesus for that... hmm, maybe that's not the phrase

  6. To prevent such catastrophes in the future, you should consider using a cloud-based version control system. Github and Bitbucket are popular Git-based solutions with free accounts (Bitbucket will let you create private code repositories, I'm not sure if Github will). There are many good GUI clients for Git that make it easy to work with for beginners (I recommend SourceTree; GitHub Desktop is also good if you decide to use Github).

    GitHub Desktop:

  7. Glad to hear you lucked out, few things suck worse then having drives die. From one dev to another weekly backups are your friend, since you're using renpy which seems to lack built-in source control options I'd suggest buying a thumbdrive for code backups and using a free google drive account for art storage. Google won't give you quite as much space for free as Mega but to my knowledge it has no bandwidth limitations unlike Mega.
